Jennifer Croker is the current President of the Eastern Suburbs Law Society.
On behalf of ESLS, Jennifer wishes to extend many thanks to Elias Kheir, our outgoing President, for his hard work over the past three years.
Jennifer commenced her legal career in 2008 as a solicitor in Eastgardens, working for Eastern Suburbs legal practitioner Mr Patrick Lim. Patrick was President of ESLS at the time and, through introductions to many other practitioners in our region, instilled in her the spirit of collegiality which binds our law society together.
Jennifer benefitted in her early years of practice from Patrick's mentorship and the unfailing support of her local colleagues. She became the Eastern Suburbs Young Lawyers representative in 2010 and, thereafter, remained an active member of the ESLS committee. In 2013, Jennifer relocated temporarily to Ghana, where she worked at Legal Aid. The ESLS supported her efforts to establish a legal centre in an impoverished community, providing her with a grant from the funds raised at that year’s Lawyers Learning for Charity Conference. To this day, there is a plaque acknowledging the contribution of ESLS to the establishment of that centre affixed to the building.
Since 2016, Jennifer has been the principal of Croker Edwards, a firm specialising in Family Law, Wills & Estates, and Conveyancing. As ESLS President, Jennifer hopes to offer to other practitioners the support and friendship in practice that she has been so fortunate to receive.